There are many ways to get involved and help build community in Duxbury and support SEPAC, some of which we’ve outlined below. You can participate in meetings, attend support groups, attend or suggest educational sessions, join our online listserve and contribute resources (or just learn!), act as a SEPAC liaison to the different schools in Duxbury, or follow us on social media and support our efforts.

SEPAC Meetings

Learn about the different types of SEPAC Meetings

Business Meetings

All business meetings are open to the public and shall be held at least five times from September through June. We typically announce meetings via social media, in schools’ newsletters, through our Google distro, and sometimes in the Clipper.

Business meetings are a formal opportunity to gather and connect with the SEPAC Board, participate in informational meetings, participate in training, and receive updates from the Director of Special Education or other admin representatives.  During the first half of the Business meeting, we meet with Administrators, school personnel and parents to discuss relevant Special Education topics in the District. During the final portion of each business meeting, parents are welcome to stay and share in conversation.  This portion of the meeting is for parents only / No Administration and allows time for parent topics and discussion to help determine future meeting agendas.  In the past, all parents and guardians have been encouraged to attend our meetings either in person (Alden School - Room 104) or via Zoom.

Parent Support Meetings

Parent Support Meetings are informal meetings comprised solely of parents in order to connect with one another for support and the sharing of resources. No agenda or business items are discussed/voted at parent support meetings. 

Open (Virtual) Office Hours


If there is demand, we may hold Parent Support / Virtual coffee hours at varied times throughout the school year. This is an opportunity to meet with a SEPAC officer and/or other parents to ask questions or discuss Special Education topics and concerns. If this is something you are interested in, please reach out!

Parent Email Listserve/Google Group

We’ve created a private space for parents /caregivers of children in Duxbury with special education needs to connect for support, information, and community building. In/Out-of-district families welcome! This forum is managed by SEPAC Board (parent volunteers). It’s not intended for school staff/admin. To join, please request access via our email account (

We take privacy very seriously. We do not expose the other names of the parents of the group in full, but if do you email the group, your email address will be visible to other members. Current threads are lists of resources on local therapies of different types, books and other resources on effective advocacy and IEP development, and other shared resources.

SEPAC Liaison

Duxbury SEPAC would love parent volunteers to help amplify our ability to build a robust community in Duxbury and stay connected with our partners in the district’s school system. The Duxbury SEPAC board will provide volunteers with the resources, information, and talking points needed, and the time commitment will be minimum.  We are looking for SEPAC liaisons to Chandler, Alden, Duxbury Middle & Duxbury High School. General responsibilities may include:

  1. Help keep track of school-specific meetings (School Councils, PTA/Os, etc.) and ensure SEPAC is looped in by attending, sending out comms, etc.

  2. Help represent SEPAC at relevant school events (often with a member of the SEPAC board) (e.g., orientation)

  3. Connect other parents with SEPAC activities

Events - Social and Educational

Social Events

Check out our calendar for social and educational events!